Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
When you're looking to make someone smile, this happy face mug of roses and daisies is tops. Sure to cheer up everyone from a beloved wife to a busy boss, these are also great flowers for kids.
Be Happy® Bouquet at From You Flowers
Sending someone a smile is as easy and sending them this smiling flower bouquet. The Be Happy Bouquet is the perfect give to turn someone's day around. This yellow smiley face mug is overflowing with seasonal yellow flowers such as daisies and roses, accompanied by white daisies sprinkled in.
Flowers To Make You Smile at Send Flowers
Smiley Face Flowers at Send Flowers! Smiley face flowers bouquet delivered inside a smiley face coffee cup with white traditional daisies and yellow roses.
Happy Blooms at From You Flowers
Make someone's day today with this bright and fun bouquet, perfect for any occasion. In a happy smiley face mug vase are hot pink and orange roses, lavender asters, green and yellow chrysanthemums, lavender statice, huckleberry, and pitta negra.
Smiley Face arrangement - darlenesflowers.com
Send a smiley face arrangement to bright up someone's day. This smiley face container is ceramic and full of bright flowers. Darlene hand designs each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and containers may vary due to local availability.
Growing Happiness Smiley Face Cup Bouquet - Send Flowers
Send a smile with this happy bouquet of red roses, mini red carnations, pink alstroemeria, mini light yellow carnations, and pitta negra delivered in a yellow smiley face mug. This cheerful arrangement is sure to delight your special recipient, whatever the occasion!
Smiley Flowers - Put a smile on someone's face with a smiley flowers ...
Put a smile on the face of a special friend or family member by visiting Smiley Flowers. Everyone loves receiving flowers during holidays, special occasions or any day of the year! We can create a custom arrangement or help you select a pre-arranged fresh …
Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet: Flower Arrangement and …
Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet by GourmetGiftBaskets.com: This cheerful arrangement will brighten anyone's day. The ceramic smiley face mug is filled with happy flowers sure to make anyone smile for years to come.
Make Me Smile™ Bouquet | Winter Park, FL
Our new bouquet is filled with feel-good yellow blooms. We’ve gathered them into our keepsake smiley face container, bringing just the right amount of brightness to make their day better. Perfect for celebration-worthy moments and everyday sentiments!
Teleflora Be Happy Mug – Kremp Florist
Feb 13, 2015 · Bright yellow over-sized mug with a smiley face on the side filled with flowers such as daisy mums, roses and filler. This is a simple design but the flowers work well together to provide a beautiful bouquet.