Life Alert ® HELP Mobile and GPS
Saving a life from potential catastrophe every 11 Minutes!* Simple: Push one large, easily-accessible button to reach Life Alert's Emergency Monitoring Center. Anywhere: Nationwide coverage. You can be located by GPS anywhere in the United States where GSM cellular phones operate. Reliable: Pendant never needs charging.***
LIFE ALERT official website - I've fallen and I can't get up!®
700,000+ lives saved! Life Alert saves a life from a catastrophe every 11 minutes. 24/7 help for fall, medical, shower, out of home emergencies. 800-360-0329.
How it Works - We are the ONE & ONLY Life Alert.®
LIFE ALERT is the LIFE SAVING LEADER and best choice medical alert system to protect seniors and all family members in home emergencies. We Save a Life Every 11 Minutes! Quick Links
HELP Cell Phone - Life Alert
Push one large, easily-accessible button to reach Life Alert's Emergency Monitoring Center. anywhere. Nationwide coverage. You can be located by GPS anywhere in the United States where GSM cellular phones operate. easy. Phone never needs charging. Batteries last …
LIFE ALERT® - HELP! I've fallen and I can't get up!®
Simply push one large, easily accessible button to reach Life Alert’s Emergency Monitoring Center where you can speak directly with Life Alert® and get help fast, 24/7. Click to call We Save a Life Every 11 Minutes!
Life Alert ® offers a special 911 Cell Phone as part of the protection package.
Life Alert Classic System | 24/7 Emergency Help Button
Get instant 24/7 emergency help with the Life Alert Classic System. Fully waterproof, 1000 feat range no charging needed - Order Now 800-360-0329 For a FREE brochure or info call:
Contact Us - LIFE ALERT
Life Alert saves a life from a catastrophe every 11 minutes. 24/7 help for fall, medical, shower, out of home emergencies 800-360-0329 For a FREE brochure or info call: Call Now
Medical Protection for Life Alert ® members
Life Alert saves lives by offering top quality 24/7 emergency protection and state of the art UL-certified equipment. Our cutting edge emergency pendant is lightweight with a range of 800 feet, keeping you protected anywhere in your home, 24/7, day or night.
Micro Voice Pendant - LIFE ALERT
Life Alert Emergency Dispatchers will always stay with you until help arrives! Life Alert's Micro Voice Pendant is the ONLY medical alert micro pendant that has 2-way voice capabilities built …