John Napier - Wikipedia
John Napier is best known as the discoverer of logarithms. He also invented the so-called "Napier's bones" and made common the use of the decimal point in arithmetic and mathematics. Napier's birthplace, Merchiston Tower in Edinburgh, is now part of the facilities of Edinburgh Napier University.
John Napier | Biography, Invention, Logarithms, Bones, & Facts
Jan 1, 2025 · John Napier (born 1550, Merchiston Castle, near Edinburgh, Scotland—died April 4, 1617, Merchiston Castle) was a Scottish mathematician and theological writer who originated the concept of logarithms as a mathematical device to aid in calculations.
John Napier - Biography, Facts and Pictures - Famous Scientists
John Napier was a famous Scottish mathematician who is best known for his invention of logarithms which are used to help with mathematical calculations. He is also credited with bringing the decimal point into common use.
John Napier Biography - Life of Scottish Mathematician - Totally History
John Napier, who also went by Marvellous Merchiston, was a popular Scottish landowner, physicist, mathematician and astronomer. John was the 8th Laird of Merchistoun. Today, he is best known as the inventor of logarithms.
Biography of John Napier, Scottish Mathematician - ThoughtCo
Jun 13, 2019 · John Napier (1550-April 4, 1617) was a Scottish mathematician and theological writer who developed the concept of logarithms and the decimal point as a mathematical calculation method. He also had an influence in the world of physics and astronomy.
John Napier (1550 - 1617) - Biography - MacTutor History of …
Apr 4, 2011 · John Napier was a Scottish scholar who is best known for his invention of logarithms, but other mathematical contributions include a mnemonic for formulas used in solving spherical triangles and two formulas known as Napier's analogies.
John Napier biography - Science Hall of Fame - National Library …
Napier was a hugely influential figure in the 17th century. He is widely considered to be the first Scotsman to have made a significant contribution to scientific learning. He was respected by mathematicians and scientists worldwide, notably Galileo, Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton.
John Napier - Encyclopedia.com
May 29, 2018 · Napier, John (1550–1617). Mathematician. Napier invented logarithms, greatly simplifying calculations involving multiplying and dividing. As Kepler put it, he doubled the life of astronomers (by halving the time they took number-crunching). He was 8th laird of Merchiston.
John Napier: The Inventor of Logarithms and a Pioneer of Modern ...
John Napier (1550-1617) was a Scottish landowner, mathematician, physicist, astronomer and theologian whose most important contribution was the discovery of logarithms. His logarithmic tables, published in 1614, revolutionized computation and helped accelerate the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries.
John Napier: His Life, His Logs, and His Bones - Introduction
Napier was a Scottish mathematician who lived from 1550 to 1617. He worked for more than twenty years to develop his theory and tables of what he called logarithms, a word he derived from two Greek roots: logos, meaning word, or study, or reasoning, or in Napier’s use, “reckoning”, and arithmos, meaning “number”. Much of our ...