Thoughts on Isma ? : r/Berserk - Reddit
The Berserk Official Guidebook states that circa the Fantasia Arc, Isma is 15 years old, 152 cm, and 44 kg. (NOTE: The Berserk Official Guidebook is highly questionable in its veracity.) This is from the wiki
Question about Isma and Danan : r/Berserk - Reddit
Dec 21, 2022 · With the giant tree on the island losing it's petals and the rest of the island being destroyed, the connection between the astral plane and the physical world was being severed on the island. Danan, Isma, and the rest of the island astral beings are likely alive, but they can't manifest in the physical world anymore.
How old are each of the characters? : r/Berserk - Reddit
Feb 23, 2024 · Guts is 24 Casca is 24 Farnese is 19 Serpico is 20 Isidro is 14 Schierke is 13 Azan is 46 Roderick is 27 Isma is 15 Griffith is 24 Sonia is 15 Mule is 17 Source: Berserk official guidebook All are listed as “estimated ages”
(369 Spoilers) Came across this old comment about Isma that
Sep 9, 2022 · Well, That's Berserk for you, remember the elves of misty village or something, then that time of eclipse, and when the ghost horse was getting into Farnese, who am I kidding, the frikin first chapter guys. But I think there is a huge chance that Isma and others will be back, poor Isidro though. And Guts breaking down.
Opinion on Isidro, puck, and isma : r/Berserk - Reddit
Nov 12, 2020 · And there's Isma, I really liked her and her interactions with other characters when she was introduced, she was all pretty fun and charming but I think she should have left with her mother, that would be a satisfying conclusion to her arc, because now there isn't much for her to do, she won't help with fights, we're already oversaturated with ...
What happened with puck? : r/Berserk - Reddit
Oct 17, 2022 · Isma herself was extremely surprised by the fact she is partially magical and can change her form. Meanwhile, Puck is a literal elf and consistently kept his elf identity throughout the story. >Puck got into the Human World and lived in the thick of it.
Isma concerns : r/Berserk - Reddit
Jul 25, 2016 · With Isma in tow, the party's capability is closer to being well rounded. Now they just need to meet up with Rickert and the Bakiraka. Proficiency in desert terrain will complete their adaptability, along with having an engineer whose inventions will increase Guts' lethality.
About Isma : r/Berserk - Reddit
Sep 8, 2016 · About Isma . I dont see her sticking around for a long time, I see her getting killed and through his ...
r/Berserk on Reddit: Why did Isma and the rest of the merrow ...
Mar 15, 2024 · I think the reason isma goes is because she doesn't have that same purpose those two do, this is just a theory. If I go into a literal sense, probably plot contrivance. Puck still serves some purpose as does ivalera, they're still decent healers and it'd be hard to keep guts alive without asspulls unless you have magical elves that can heal.
r/Berserk on Reddit: Everyone gives isma shit. Common she’s new …
In other words, the comedy takes panel space and dialogue time that could be given a better use. It's like Miura lost sight of what made Berserk special in the first place and has resorted to using tropes commonly found in the average shonen. I like …