Cameron's Line - Wikipedia
Cameron's Line is an Ordovician suture fault in the northeast United States that formed as part of the continental collision known as the Taconic orogeny around 450 million years ago.
When earthquakes shake the Danbury area, blame Cameron's Line …
Dec 7, 2023 · What was significant, Sanders said, however, was that the earthquake “brought to light a geological phenomenon… that affects the very foundation, literally, of Ridgefield," a fault line called...
Cameron’s Line marks the suture between the continental rocks of ancestral North America, behind you, and oceanic rocks metamorphosed as they were thrust eastward during the closing of the Iapetus Ocean during the Taconic Orogeny.
Geology of the New York City Region - MiraCosta College
Mar 11, 2019 · Cameron's Line, the great thrust fault between miogeosynclinal rocks (consisting of continental shelf and slope materials) and eugeosynclinal rocks (deep ocean basin sediments), was first recognized in the Highlands of western Connecticut.
Infographics, Maps, Music and More: Cameron's Line
Sep 17, 2016 · Cameron’s Line in west Connecticut is a major thrust fault that separates (1) rocks that were originally part of the ancient Iapetus Ocean (deep ocean metasedimentary rocks) from (2) metamorphic rocks derived from the previous continental shelf and slope deposits to the west.
Geologic History of the Northeastern United States
Sep 28, 2023 · Cameron’s Line, a 450-million-year old fault, marks the ancient suture line between proto-North America and the Iapetus Terrane. Extent of Cameron's Line. Image created by PRI staff for the Earth@Home project ( CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license).
Taconic orogeny - Wikipedia
Cameron's Line is the suture zone that is modern-day evidence of the collision of the island arc and the continent. [3] Cameron's Line winds southward out of New England into western Connecticut and passes through southern New York across the Bronx, following the general trend of the East River.
Cameron's Line - Wikiwand articles
Cameron's Line is an Ordovician suture fault in the northeast United States which formed as part of the continental collision known as the Taconic orogeny around 450 mya.
Recent interpretations suggest that Cameron's Line is an important deep-seated ductile fault in the medial Ordovician Taconic suture zone separating transitional rocks (Waramaug Formation) from essentially coeval eugeoclinal rocks (Hartland Formation).
The separation of the Hartland Formation and Ravenswood …
Cameron's Line can be traced down the east side of the East River, as learned from observations in the tunnels, separating the Middle Proterozoic Fordham Gneiss to the west from the Cambrian and Ordovician Hartland Formation and related Ravenswood Granodiorite to the east.