It’s a question that many villagers have asked over the decades as our local population has fluctuated, our small-town economy has become ever more service- and tourism-based and as new housing ...
Naturalists with the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will lead the division’s annual 3.5-mile winter hike along the Little Miami State and National ...
In early January, Ohio House Speaker Matt Huffman spoke to the press about his intention to support cutting state funding to Ohio’s public schools in this year’s two-year overall budget, stating that ...
In late November, the Higher Learning Commission, or HLC — a regional agency that offers evaluation and accreditation to colleges and universities — alerted Antioch College that the school had been ...
Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, will host its annual sugar shack tour event at Flying Mouse Farms on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2–4 p.m. Tours will begin at 2, and continue at 20-minute intervals, starting at the ...
I was trying to make something pretty. I was trying to make something colorful, something light, something uplifting. I would have even accepted funny or irreverent. I was aiming for anything that I ...
A trans woman responds to the president: I used to call my friends “f-gs.” Even after I learned where the term came from, I still thought it was funny. It was the ’90s. I was a straight teenage boy — ...
The subscription rate for a Yellow Springs (45387) address is $45 annually, which includes postage and 52 issues. This reflects a savings of more than 20% off the newsstand price, and the convenience ...
On Tuesday, Nov. 2, residents of the Yellow Springs Exempted School District will vote on a combined property tax/income tax levy of 6.5 mills/0.50 percent, which is designed to raise $35.6 million to ...
Nancy Howell Koehler, died Jan. 11. She was 87 years old on Dec. 16. For the past six years, Nancy suffered the effects of dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease, which led to her death. She received excellent ...
After a year of weighing the wheres and hows, the villagewide discourse surrounding the low-income housing tax credit, or LIHTC, project reached its inflection point at the most recent school board ...
On the third Saturday of each month, there’s a kind of family meal at First Presbyterian Church. The Beloved Community Project, which hosts the free monthly meals, considers anyone who crosses the ...