Here's a few useful links to help with planning your trip to Aotearoa New Zealand. Best things to do in the North Island Best things to do in the South Island Other Islands Best ways to travel around ...
沿着新西兰最美丽的路线展开秋季探险。 驾车探索南岛观光公路体验海岸美景、郁郁葱葱的森林与连绵山丘的绝妙结合,感受秋天的缤纷色彩。 体验独特非凡的旅程,在新西兰度假时乘坐高山 ...
남섬의 서해안에 위치한 밀포드사운드는 우뚝 솟은 봉우리와 계단식 폭포 그리고 입이 떡 벌어지는 풍경을 자랑하는 반드시 방문해야 할 여행지이다. 러디어드 키플링이 ‘세계 8번째 불가사의 ...
The West Coast, or 'the Coast' as locals call it, is an untamed natural wilderness of rivers and rainforests, glaciers and geological treasures. From limestone cliffs, vivid turquoise water to pancake ...
This national park is home to the mystical Whanganui River, New Zealand's longest navigable waterway. Located in the central North Island, the park was created to protect the upper reaches of the ...
Discover the beauty and power of one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most-visited natural attractions. The Waikato River, New Zealand’s longest river, narrows dramatically at Huka Falls, generating enough ...
The Otago Central Rail Trail is New Zealand’s original Great Ride follows and is an old railway line through beautiful, big-sky country dotted with a series of sweet wee towns and welcoming locals.
Boat cruising is a big part of the New Zealand experience. We have beautiful islands, harbours, gulfs and beaches waiting to be explored. Our mountainous landscape provides an abundance of pristine ...