Where are we at with teleportation? Burying scientists alive in the snow? All this and more exclusively in the latest issue ...
Accept anybody from the top 15 percent of potential matches, and your chances climb even higher. Then, you need only reject the first 19 percent who come along – and you can expect a nearly ...
In Tetris, you constantly arrange colorful shapes made of four blocks with the goal of making lines after lines disappear.
C ultivated or “lab-grown” meat and fish is often presented as a more eco and animal-friendly alternative to regular meat ...
“We’ve identified a critical midlife window where the brain begins to experience declining access to energy but before ...
The team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Bowling Green State University, for example, recently carried out a study that identified Microcystis, a type of algae abundant in Lake ...
Despite the enthusiasm for the strange dinosaur of the Congo, sightings of it became increasingly less common throughout the last century. However, this seems to be changing. According to National ...
James is a published author with four pop-history and science books to his name. He specializes in history, strange science, ...
Thirty-six years after the first hints of auroral activity on the ice giant, astronomers have captured Neptune’s aurorae for ...
The chick has long downy feathers that resemble irritant hairs in some caterpillar species native to the area.
M icrosoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon in February and made some bold predictions for the future and the role that artificial intelligence (AI) might ...
Charlie is the Marketing Coordinator and Writer for IFLScience, she’s currently completing a undergraduate degree in Forensic ...