Climb to the top of an ancient volcano for spectacular views, or stop at a roadside viewing platform above what was once the site of extensive of Māori gardens. The three natural coastal amphitheatres ...
DOC has received the court's decision and is considering what this means for how it manages its Wildlife Act permissions responsibilities. The decision does not mean that operators currently holding ...
DOC staff and researchers from Sea Through Science were carrying out a Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) survey in Tamatea/Dusky Sound in February to collect data on the abundance and diversity of ...
This afternoon, five rehabilitated green turtles were released back into the wild in Rangaunu Harbour, Northland, marking the beginning of an important three-year research project. Rehabilitated ...
A large digger isn’t something usually seen in a protected wetland, but it’s proven vital in a collaborative effort to remove an invasive weed species. The invasive plant Cuscuta campestris – also ...
A crucial new wild kākāriki karaka/orange-fronted parakeet population is being established on Pukenui/Anchor Island following the release of 34 of the critically endangered manu there. The taonga were ...
Hunters entering this year’s Pureora Hunting Competition are urged to target both hinds and stags, as DOC staff seek more information on the forest’s deer herd. An annual event on the North Island ...
HealthPost Nature Trust will carry out restoration work in the Triangle Flat area of the farm park. They aim to build a 3 km-long low predator fence across the base of the spit to provide a line of ...
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) is the country’s biggest land manager and regulates how economic activity takes place on conservation land by issuing concessions, to ensure ...
South Island kākā, Charlie Girl, will remain at the Dunedin Botanic Garden Aviary where she’s being well looked after, for the foreseeable future, following an independent assessment into the parrot’s ...
The future looks set to bloom for 1000 seedlings of Nationally Endangered Gardner’s tree daisy germinated at Tongariro Prison Nursery. The seedlings are the product of a growing partnership between ...
The Whanganui River winds its way from the mountains to the Tasman Sea through countless hills and valleys. Lowland forest surrounds the river in its middle and lower reaches - the heart of Whanganui ...