Rising temperatures and increasingly irregular rainfall are forcing tropical forests to adapt, but they may not be able to ...
The worsening triple whammy of malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity means an in-depth rethink of our food systems is urgently needed. A joint position paper by CIRAD and AFD calls for ...
Dénutrition, carences, surpoids… Face à l’aggravation du triple fardeau de la malnutrition, il devient urgent de repenser en profondeur nos systèmes alimentaires. Une note de positionnement conjointe ...
CIRAD and the city of Montpellier will be hosting a joint stand at the “Solutions Village” at the Nutrition For Growth summit ...
In rural parts of Laos, 30% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition. This is often caused by poor dietary diversity, due ...
Le Cirad et la Métropole de Montpellier participent du 26 au 28 mars prochains, sur un stand commun, au Village des solutions du sommet Nutrition For Growth (N4G) à Paris. L’occasion de présenter les ...
Nearly half of the global population lacks access to healthy food. Given the scale of the challenge, governments worldwide need to better integrate nutrition issues into their policies, programmes and ...
Presque la moitié de l’humanité n’a pas accès à une alimentation saine. Face à l’ampleur du défi, les pouvoirs publics de tous les pays doivent mieux intégrer les enjeux nutritionnels dans leurs ...
A new regional network, the Consortium for Agricultural Development, Research and Extension in Southeast Asia (CADRE), will stimulate agricultural transformation for sustainable and inclusive ...