Head Shoulders bottom is a typical bullish signal, when stock price breaks the resistant level, uptrend would possibly start.
The US and Japan are close to reaching an agreement to restrict technology exports to China's chip industry, the Financial ...
Alibaba Cloud: Singapore Availability Zone C Network Access Abnormalities Caused by Fire in Server Room ...
In order to regulate the collection and use of personal information by apps, protect the interests of personal information, ...
Zhengzhou Adjusts Max. Amount of Housing Provident Fund Loan to RMB1.3M ...
GEELY AUTO (00175.HK)'s new energy vehicle (NEV) series brand "Geely Galaxy" announced that the "Geely Galaxy E5" tracked ...
MTR CORPORATION (00066.HK) announced that it has successfully concluded its first public issuance of offshore Renminbi Green ...
老虎证券香港投研总监陈庆炜表示,美国联储局减息0.5厘,合乎其预期。陈庆炜认为,联储局今次减息0.5厘行动迅速,有望大幅降低美国经济进入衰退的概率,提升美股进入长牛的概率。联储局为达到「软着... 汇港通讯> ...
《路透》报道,中国主要国有银行於在岸市场买入美元,阻止人民币过急升值。人民币今日(20日)一度升至7.042兑1美元,为2023年5月24日以来高位,最新报7.0535。受美国减息预期推动美元下跌影响 ...
免責聲明:以上金融市場數據、報價、圖表 及/或各種技術分析指標乃根據公開資料分析和演釋自動生成的,僅作參考使用。此類自動生成的內容並不代表AASTOCKS.com Limited的立場。AASTOCKS.com Limited並不保證其準確性、完整性 ...
9月13日丨中國中冶 (601618.SH) -0.010 (-0.373%) 公佈,公司2024年1-8月新籤合同額人民幣8,310.5億元,較上年同期降低6.5%,其中新籤海外合同額人民幣589.7億元,較上年同期增長85.1%。
免責聲明:以上金融市場數據、報價、圖表 及/或各種技術分析指標乃根據公開資料分析和演釋自動生成的,僅作參考使用。此類自動生成的內容並不代表AASTOCKS.com Limited的立場。AASTOCKS.com Limited並不保證其準確性、完整性 ...