Sebi said the platform addresses a growing concern wherein investors, over time, lose track of their mutual fund investments ...
SEBI has launched the digital platform MITRA to help investors trace and reclaim inactive or unclaimed mutual fund folios.
Sebi has issued a Rs 2.83 crore demand notice to Pradeep Pandya and seven others for unpaid fines related to fraudulent ...
Sebi launches MITRA, a platform to help investors locate and reclaim inactive or unclaimed mutual fund folios, addressing ...
SC allows Gaekwad an extension to deposit ₹600 crore into a bank account to prove the bona fides of his ₹5,000 crore ...
Sebi has sent a Rs 2.83-crore demand notice to Pradeep Baijnath Pandya, who was anchoring stock market shows on a television ...
Mutual fund equity inflows dip as investors flock to gold ETFs amid global economic uncertainty, impacting equity assets.