Barnard College’s library was evacuated as police responded to a fake bomb threat during a sit-in staged by pro-Palestinian ...
Dozens of anti-Israel protesters infiltrated a school library at Barnard College, displaying Palestinian flags and handing ...
Palestinian protesters were demonstrating in the library at Barnard College on Wednesday afternoon, police said. NYPD ...
Some protesters were arrested for failing to leave the premises after they were made aware of an active bomb threat on the ...
The NYPD detained multiple protesters at Barnard College late Wednesday after breaking up a library occupation sparked by the ...
Tense moments unfolded at Barnard College as pro-Palestinian protesters stormed the Milstein Center, prompting a bomb scare ...
The nine agitators arrested during Wednesday night’s takeover of a Barnard College academic building were all released with ...
Nine protesters were arrested at the scene as dozens of NYPD officers entered the library. The bomb threat was deemed not ...
Student activists distribute Hamas propaganda during library takeover, the latest in a series of escalating disruptions at ...
The NYPD appeared to be taking protesters into custody at Barnard College late Wednesday as an occupation of the school library against three pro-Palestinian students’ expulsions was broken ...