Known as the inspiration for the character Donkey, voiced by comedy legend Eddie Murphy in the 2001 animated classic “Shrek,” Perry was a beloved staple in the Palo Alto community, remembered for his ...
Perry the donkey, who lived just two miles off campus and was beloved by many Stanford community members, died in early ...
Courtesy Steve Shpall. Perry, a beloved miniature donkey who has been a fixture of Bol Park for nearly three decades and who famously served as the model for the Donkey character in “Shrek ...
Perry had lived on the Bol Park pasture in the Barron Park neighborhood since 1997. His handler, Jenny Kiratli, told Palo Alto Online on Thursday that Perry had suffered from a hoof disease called ...
Perry, a playful and feisty miniature donkey, was euthanized at age 30 on Jan. 2 after a long battle with laminitis, a painful hoof disease, according to Jenny Kiratli, a volunteer at Bol Park in ...
The city even provided a $10,000 grant for his ongoing medical care. Though Perry spent most of his life at Bol Park, his influence reached far beyond Palo Alto. His unique personality and ...
Perry, a miniature donkey, had been a star attraction at Bol Park in Palo Alto - in northwestern California - for almost 30 years before he was sadly euthanised on Thursday. The beloved ...
So in 1997, the “spunky” 3-year-old was brought to Palo Alto’s Bol Park to live in a pasture set aside for donkeys to graze. It was there in 1999 that Rex Grignon, a supervising animator at ...
"He had a huge impact." Perry, a miniature donkey, has lived at Cornelis Bol Park since 1997, when his previous owner gave him up. He's cared for by the non-profit community organization Barron ...
SFGATE met Perry back in 2021, when he was a mere 26 years old, in his home at Cornelis Bol Park in Palo Alto. “It’s evident if you know Perry and watch the movie that it’s him.
Donkey was famously modeled after a real life miniature donkey named Perry in Bol Park in Palo Alto, California as Dreamworks animators had spent time with Perry and a few of the other donkeys for ...