A beloved character from previous novels, this latest story in the realm takes us along with Haymitch Abernathy as his name is called to serve as tribute for District 12. Get ready for 400 pages back ...
“Watership Down,” the 1972 novel by Richard Adams that was first adapted as a 1978 animated film and then as a 2018 Netflix ...
How many times can we talk about our love for Yellowstone and 1923 before you think we've move beyond obsession? If you ask us, we're sure you'll be convinced once you scroll through the western books ...
Books about writers’ dogs and cats are a literary staple. Now there’s a booming subset of memoirs about writers’ ...
Everywhere you look, you see baby bunnies, fluffy chicks, and tiny ducks, so maybe now’s the time to welcome these great ...
Pull up a chair, fellow A Song of Ice and Fire fan, because today we're going deep into the history of George R.R. Martin's ...