Crawling into bed to rest her painful left toe, Mel Gardener winced as she covered herself with a cotton sheet. Even the touch of this light fabric was excruciating.
If you've ever been going about your day only to get hit with excruciating joint pain, it could be gout. While this type of ...
Pain in your big toe joint can be due to a sudden injury like the sports-related "turf toe." Chronic health conditions like ...
Gout is often found in the big toe, but can also affect other joints ... In addition to a visual lump, a malignant growth in the toes can also cause pain, difficulty walking, swelling, and a fever.
Last week, China’s leaders made promises to support the China-Europe Railway Express – an overland freight link that has become a symbol of Beijing’s ambitious drive to recreate the ancient ...
There are many causes of eye swelling or puffiness, the most common of which include allergy, a lack of sleep, eating too much sodium, or simple aging. At other times, the swelling (also known as ...
Now, experts have issued a warning alarm over a little known podiatric condition that — if left untreated — could cause blistering, thick crusty skin or even the loss of a toe altogether.
Given his lengthy injury history, Middleton was a tough player for Milwaukee to count on -- even though he came up big in the first round of the playoffs last season. Kuzma is also having a down ...