Mars has long been seen as a barren wasteland, but a stunning new discovery by NASA’s Perseverance rover suggests the Red ...
A strange rock on Mars is raising new questions about the possibility of ancient microbial life on the Red Planet. According ...
A square-shaped formation on Mars, about 3 kilometers wide, has generated interest and speculation. NASA's Mars Global Surveyor captured the image, sp ...
He believed the ‘very tall, thin’ people wearing ‘strange clothing’ were hiding inside the pyramids for shelter from a violent storm sweeping across Mars. Joe described the chambers as ...
An curved arrow pointing right. It's not everyday that you find a space rock on Mars. But that's exactly what NASA's Curiosity rover discovered on Oct. 27. The rock looks completely different from ...
A rock on Mars spilled a surprising yellow treasure after Curiosity accidentally cracked through its unremarkable exterior. When the rover rolled its 899-kilogram (1,982-pound) body over the rock in ...
Researchers are looking underfoot to uncover the mysterious past of Mars: Martian regoliths in the soil. Their water storage capabilities may help us understand the change in water on Mars over time.