On the ground or in the air, the following 10 Star Wars vehicles boast the best designs and features. The All Terrain Scout ...
A Han Solo blaster might be the ultimate Star Wars prize. Will it make more than $3 million at auction this summer? Find out ...
One of the most legendary props in cinematic history — Han Solo’s blaster from Star Wars: Episode IV:A New Hope — is set to hit the auction block this June. Offered through Studio Auctions ...
Set decorator Roger Christian was tasked with designing Solo’s weapon, with a goal of making the character appear like a cowboy—but, of course, in space. Only one other Han Solo blaster has ever made ...
Cinemark and AMC said fans are welcome to wear costumes to showings of the new “Star Wars” movie — but their faces have to be visible. Both chains also banned toy blaster guns. Cinemark also ...