Motorists experiencing painfully longer journeys than usual especially during peak times on the Whitford-Maraetai Road over ...
Concerned parents are hoping to raise awareness to what they call a major safety problem on Broadway Avenue in Blackfalds.
West Michigan road weight restrictions in Muskegon and Ottawa counties are listing March 31, officials announced Tuesday.
Camille from Henderson writes, “What's driving you crazy? What, if anything, is the minimum speed limit on a highway with a ...
The City Council Meeting is set to discuss speed limit modifications for Maple St. on Thursday.The Abilene City Council hopes ...
No Passing signs tell motorists that it's dangerous to pass on a stretch of road, and that it's illegal to do so.
The NYS Department of Transportation tells CBS6 traffic lights and other safety improvements are being considered for the Troy-Schenect ...
Left lane use for large trucks and motorists continues to be a topic of conversation at statehouses from Arizona to West ...
The City of Las Vegas initiates a traffic study in a Summerlin neighborhood following residents concerns about a crosswalk ...
Like airbags and crumple zones, various car safety technologies are mandatory on new cars. While airbags are considered ...
Drivers in Abilene and San Angelo face increasing challenges with hidden speed traps, where unexpected speed limit changes ...
A proposed amendment to a transportation bill in the Florida Legislature would raise the state's speed limits by 5 mph, ...