In the search for elusive particles called neutrinos, researchers are stringing thousands of detectors in the depths of the ...
A neutrino telescope, therefore, is a giant exercise in statistics. Observe lots of atoms for a long time and sooner or later ...
Many of those questions surround black holes. These things are a relatively recent discovery, and every day, we learn more ...
Ancient quasars seen by the James Webb Space Telescope technically shouldn’t exist, but one rare type of dark matter could ...
Astronomers using a giant network of sensors, still under construction at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, have found the highest-energy cosmic “ghost particle” ever detected.
Traditional black holes, as predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity, contain what are known as ...
The team announced its “ultrahigh energy” neutrino on Wednesday, in a paper published in the journal Nature. The finding ...
KM3NeT comprises two large neutrino detectors at the bottom of the Mediterranean. One called ARCA - 3,450 meters (2.1 miles) ...
This black hole merger animation was created using data collected by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors, an observation designated GW190412. Credits: © N. Fischer, H. Pfeiffer, A.
"For the first time, we could trace the boundary between the gas residing in galaxies and the material contained within the ...