Rivalries among Tigrayan political leaders threaten to derail the process of reintegrating Tigray into Ethiopia's federal structure and could rapidly escalate into a wider conflict involving Eritrea ...
The masked soldiers belong to the Tigray Defence Forces ( TDF ), the region’s army. By attempting what is, in effect, a coup, ...
Just over two years have passed since Ethiopia's government and rival factions signed the Ethiopia-Tigray peace accords, also called the Pretoria Agreement, in South Africa's administrative capital.
Just over two years have passed since the Ethiopian government and rival factions signed the Ethiopia-Tigray peace accords, also called the Pretoria Agreement, in South Africa's administrative capital ...
Longtime foes Ethiopia and Eritrea could be headed towards war, officials in a restive Ethiopian region at the centre of the ...
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — The interim government of Ethiopia’s Tigray region appealed for the Ethiopian federal government to intervene after a faction of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front ...
አምባሳደሯ ሶፊ ፍሮም፣ በኅብረቱ እና በኢትዮጵያ የሁለትዮሽ ግንኙነት ዙሪያ ዛሬ መግለጫ በሰጡበት ወቅት፣ ኢትዮጵያ ለሰብአዊ መብቶች መሻሻልም መሥራት እን ...
As tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea escalate, the region of Tigray stands at the heart of a looming conflict, writes one of the leaders of the armed struggle in Tigray against the Derg. At any ...
Addis Ababa, — President of Tigray Interim Regional Administration Getachew Reda said his administration remains committed to addressing concerns related to peace, development, and governance.
Similar training has been carried out at Bahr Dar and Mekele, in northern Ethiopia, with about a dozen Russian pilots billetted at the Ghion hotel in Bahr Dar. Military training has also resumed on ...
Asantehene urges Buipewura to work hard to further raise the image of National H ...