A recent study has revealed that gym equipment and surfaces harbor billions of germs, posing a risk to your skin.
Spots can also look very different depending on your skin tone. Some pink, red, or brown spots are more obvious on fair to ...
When your skin is red, itchy, and irritated, it could be a rash or it might be hives. We spoke with experts to learn how to ...
Next time you feel an itch, remember that your brain's vast network of neurons informs it whether it is an itch or pain. A ...
Benjamin N. Ungar, MD, discussed characteristics of atopic dermatitis and how common AD is among children and adults in the U.S. He also talked about the diagnostic process and “the hope” to ...
The only change she mentioned was, because it was frigid outside, she and her friends were going to the mall a lot where they ...
It occurs when your skin comes into contact with something that is irritating or that you are allergic to. Contact dermatitis usually shows up as an itchy red or discolored rash with bumps. It can ...
Rapid allergic reactions to milk may cause skin symptoms, such as itchy, raised, and red or discolored bumps. A baby may also experience swelling around the mouth, difficulty breathing ...
White spots on the face can cover a small or ... It appears as pale pink or red, scaly areas on the skin, which clear to smooth white (hypopigmented) patches. There can be as many as 20 patches ...
Here is a detailed view on which vitamin deficiency can the cause behind your itching skin. There can be many reasons behind the itching skin and one of them can might be deficiency of certain vitamin ...