Launched by Naman Gupta and his brother Vipul Gupta, Code Effort is a social enterprise dealing with cigarette butt waste ...
The Association of Plastic Recyclers wants to work with the U.S. government to examine whether rising imports of recycled ...
It’s about to get easier to recycle plastics in Strathcona County.
The Southern Nevada Recycling Center can process roughly 700,000 pounds per day, but not all objects make it through the ...
Every year, millions of tires end up in landfills, creating an environmental crisis with far-reaching consequences. In the ...
Do you need to recycle your pet’s toys and gear? A national retail chain has launched its first national trade-in and ...
Increased regulation and trade bans are a growing threat to the global circular economy, according to former BIR president and founder of the Global ...
The report looks at how California and other states can improve PET thermoform circularity through innovation, policy alignment and industry commitments.
Pyrolysis breaks down plastic and generates potentially useful oil − but it’s not a silver bullet for the planet.
H’ers learn to be more aware of the waste they generate and ways to reduce their impact on the planet and encourage others to ...
The administration undermines efforts to reduce plastics. But plastic never will be disposable, and neither are the people it ...
Plastic wrap. Children’s toys. Entire lamps. For all the efforts to promote the importance of recycling, there’s a dearth of knowledge about which household items actually belong in the bin.