Which are the best prayers to show appreciation to someone? Are you looking for a powerful gratitude prayer? Discover how to ...
St. Joseph, you embody all the virtues I hope to attain through God’s grace. I rely on your intercession and your guidance as ...
Every March 19th, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Joseph, a key figure in the origins of the faith, dedicating a special ...
Fitr, my father handed me a crisp white tupi just before we left for the Eid prayer. "Wear this," he said, his tone neither ...
Father, hear the prayer we offer: Not for ease that prayer shall be, But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously. Not forever in green pastures Do we ask our way to be ...
For the third year in a row, a group of Christians gathered at dawn on March 17, 2025, around St. Patrick's grave in ...
When your father or grandfather is sick, you pray for him, and you entrust him ... "First, it brings tears to my eyes because he's been such a blessing to the world. It's been such a blessing ...