Know the date, history, and significance of Navroz 2025. Learn about its origins, traditions, and global celebrations.
May you all have a wonderful and memorable year ahead. Navroz Mubarak 2024! Sending warm wishes for a happy Nowruz to you and your loved ones. May the year ahead bring joy and prosperity in abundance.
Festivities are under way for Nowruz, also known as the Persian New Year. Believed to have been celebrated for more than 3,000 years, the festival is held on the spring equinox to usher in the ...
Navroz, or Nowruz, is the Persian and Iranian New Year that marks the first day of spring. Even though this day has Iranian and Zoroastrian origins, it is actually celebrated by many different ...
With Parsis dressed to the nines today for Parsi New Year, also known as Navroz, their traditional Gara embroidery is a testament standing the test of time. Parsi fashion designer Ashdeen Z ...