Each journal's website includes an AOP table ... you can give the paper's DOI at the end of the citation. For example, Nature papers should be cited in the form; Author(s) Nature advance online ...
The journal seeks to highlight the improved ... and a unique identifier assigned to the publisher; for example, the identifier for Nature Research is 1038 and the entire DOI prefix for an article ...
You can even include things you collect from nature in your journal! Here Louise has stuck in examples of flowers she has found. If you’re going to venture outside, keep in mind these things.
This includes, for example ... within another journal. Certain permissions can be granted free of charge; others incur a fee. Details of how to order single issues of Nature Portfolio journals ...
Nature Clinical Practice Neurology is a journal designed to lighten the reading ... Case Studies should act as instructive examples to people who might encounter similar problems.
But because each Nature journal has to decline many papers of very high quality, an editor may suggest that a paper declined for editorial (not technical) reasons may be suitable for submission to ...
developed in partnership with Springer Nature (since October 2018) providing journal-integrated preprint sharing (for direct submissions of primary research manuscripts) and transparency into the ...
It depends. In the event a manuscript is determined to be unsuitable for one journal in the Nature Portfolio, the editor may consult with editorial colleagues at other journals in the portfolio to ...
Because small numbers of highly cited articles can have outsized influence on certain citation measures like the 2-year Journal Impact Factor (JIF) (see below for definition), Springer Nature ...
The Journal Impact Factor is defined as all citations to the journal in the current JCR year to items published in the previous two years, divided by the total number of scholarly items (these ...