Some places to seek pasqueflowers include open areas near Red Wing’s Barn Bluff, Kasota Prairie Scientific and Natural Area ...
Mukdenia forms a mound of thickly textured, glossy foliage with red streaking that gets 1 foot tall and 1-2 feet wide at ...
There's no better way to learn about gardens than to walk through them. Now more than 200 are going public—for a day or two.
April 3: Art & Sound Lounge (during free Thursday nights), 5–8 p.m.
Spring has arrived, and also have free weekly guided walks at the Corneille Bryan Native Garden at Lake Junaluska, held at 1 ...
If you have been waiting to start your plants indoors, you are almost behind schedule as Milton Pearce started planting about two weeks ago. Pearce, owner of the Potting Shed in St. Regis, has one of ...
Why does it feel so good to be in a garden? The latest collaboration with USA Today shares the plants, people and stories of ...
Ninety-two years ago, the American Goldfinch became Iowa’s state bird. Today, Iowans are calling for a state horse, fish and ...
Free vegetable, herb and flower seeds are available to gardeners of all skill levels when they stop by during patron hours at ...
Dear Master Gardener: Can a dwarf Korean lilac be purchased in tree form?
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about how to divide a hydrangea and whether you can plant anything under evergreens ...
Spring is just a couple weeks away here in central Minnesota. While we wait for our own gardens to wake up there’s a group of ...