Make no mistake, affirmative action is not dead. Trump declared it to be last week. But as per usual, he was lying. When the ...
William McKinley was a largely forgotten American president from more than a century ago until Donald Trump returned to the White House as his biggest fan because of McKinley’s love affair with ...
When President Donald Trump pulled William McKinley from the outer reaches of American history and hailed his presidency as a model for today’s U.S. leadership, he harked back to the ...
Now President Trump has done exactly that. In one of the first acts on his return to the White House, he issued an executive order restoring McKinley as the mountain’s official name.
Growing up in the iron-producing region of eastern Ohio in the 1840s, future president William McKinley would hear his father complain that foreign competition lowered wages and made honest men ...
McKinley, who served as president from 1896 to 1901, was an ultra-protectionist politician who arrived at the White House ...