In what's being hailed 'a win for all Indigenous languages', Yale is offering a course in te reo Māori - a first for any Ivy League university.
The majestic waka hourua Hinemoana is returning to Te Waipounamu, carrying a vital kaupapa: revitalising Māori and Pacific ...
But in 2013, a team of scientists who specialize in ancient history visited the site ... it’s also the first dinosaur named in the Shoshone language — scientists teamed up with Eastern ...
The Tohono O’odham language is at risk of disappearing, with far fewer people speaking it today. To help keep it alive, the Tohono O’odham Nation has opened the O’odham Ňi’okĭ Ki: Language Center, ...
Kanzi the bonobo, who learned how to communicate with humans using symbols, has died at the age of 44. Raised and kept in ...
In te reo Māori, hoka means 'to fly'. The company initially accredited their use of the word to the “ancient Māori language” ...
Its 2010 website’s About page attributes the name to the “ancient Māori language”, according to internet archive website Wayback Machine. That attribution disappeared from the company’s website’s ...
Genetic findings support earlier linguistic theories about the origins of Indo-European languages. Researchers suggest that the ancient Yamna language became the ancestor of more than 400 modern ...
OXFORD, Ohio — At a time when President Donald Trump declared English the official spoken language of the U.S., one group is trying to save an ancient tribal language. Daryl Baldwin is speaking in an ...
KANEOHE, Hawaii (AP) — Hawaii's American colonizers once banned the Hawaiian language in schools ... Artist Herb Kane began painting ancient canoes based on drawings from European explorers and got ...