A cow at Ashton Creek Farm in Iowa defied 1-in-105,000 odds by giving birth to healthy triplets, while one in North Dakota birthed a set of quintuplets.
The Western Illinois University School of Agriculture successfully hosted the 53rd Annual Bull Test Sale on March 7 at the WIU Livestock Center. The evening showcased high-quality bulls, including ...
Beef cattle prices in the UK are fast approaching £7 (€8.30) per deadweight kg, or close to £3,000 (€3,550) liveweight, which ...
“The odds [of triplets are] 1 in every 105,000,” said Luke Stowater with Cow Calf Operations. “And I don’t know what the odds ...
The bulls are all spring yearlings and will be approximately 15 months of age at turnout and accordingly should be expected ...
Prices still rising for an entry of 1032 cattle at Clogher Mart on Saturday 15th March with a great supply of quality stock on offer in all sections.
Once again both ringside and online buyers ensured that all types of stock where keenly bid for with steers selling to £2680 ...
The average prices paid for calves saw an increase in most categories last week, according to latest figures from ICBF.
Owners Barb Downey and Joe Carpenter have incorporated numerous grazing management techniques to enhance rangeland health, ...
Quality stock across both rings saw prices continuing to improve on previous weeks at Dungannon Farmers Mart on Wednesday 26 ...
Another large entry of 1370 cattle returned an exceptional demand for a lot of top quality stock on Saturday 1st March with prices reaching a new high and breaking records in most sections.
There were multiple aspects to be marked in the history books at the Dunnon Angus bull sale, held near Holbrook, Monday, March 3.