Irrfan Khan, a versatile Bollywood actor, passed away on April 29, 2020, at 53. His iconic performances from 1988 to 2021 ...
This Pashto edition of Macbeth is indeed a valuable addition to Pashto, as it provides Pashto readers a chance to understand Shakespeare, his mastery over plot and character, his narrating ...
Of course, nothing goes according to plan and much of the joy of "The Instigators" is watching the plot spin out, while ...
Aristotle made the first stab at a plot count around 330 B.C., when he declared that there were just two kinds of stories: simple (featuring a change in fortune) and complex (in which the change ...
Scotland, 11th century. Driven by the twisted prophecy of three witches and the ruthless ambition of his wife, warlord Macbeth, bold and brave, but also weak and hesitant, betrays his good king ...