Peace lilies and orchids are similar in the sense that they are relatively low-maintenance houseplants. While both indoor plants will grow without much care, they will fail to thrive. This will ...
Orchids and peace lilies are two of the most popular houseplants around, but they still need to be fed if you want them to flower properly - and a simple kitchen scrap will help ...
If your houseplants are drooping then you may be watering them wrong, but there is a simple way to keep plants like orchids ...
Houseplants need to be fed in spring to get the nutrients they need to flower, and you can give peace lilies or orchids a ...
Orchids are a beautiful and exotic houseplant but they can be difficult to encourage to bloom multiple times - but it turns ...
I was inspired to try growing orchids after attending the Garden’s Orchid Show last week and would like some advice regarding the three plants I just purchased. — Emily Heideman, Chicago ...