(min-width: 782px) { .site-content { margin-top: 0; } } In summary Evacuating the Tahoe basin in summer could take 14 hours, and 99% of properties are at risk — yet […] ...
Billions of state and federal dollars are spent on Lake Tahoe. But is all this attention actually protecting this unique treasure? Pollutants pour in, while development continues. Funding has shifted ...
If you’re planning a ski trip to Lake Tahoe—a region centered on the largest alpine lake in North America, straddling California and Nevada—when you plan to go is as important as where.
Between environmental dilemmas and wildfire concerns, the health of Lake Tahoe — and its visitors and inhabitants — is at stake.
The 7-day trip includes amazing roads across California and Nevada in 911s, but Porsche being Porsche, it’ll cost you a ...
In a pivotal legal decision, the El Dorado County Superior Court has overturned Measure T, a voter-approved initiative that ...
Tuesday’s city council meeting addressed the Chateau site, also called the “hole in the ground” after consultants returned ...