Kate Birdsall Johnson, a billionaire and “eccentric cat fancier” in the 1800s, lived in an ornate Sonoma castle and financed ...
In the borough of Waterford is a dairy farm owned by a brother and sister duo, David and Theresa Kaschak. The farm was once ...
CHENNAI: The peak of the summer season is yet to set in this year, but across the state, the daily milk procurement of Aavin ...
Day old Jersey bull calves aren’t worth a lot ... Angus bulls have been used on Holstein cows before but the outcross hasn’t been that great says Wulf. He thinks using a LimFlex bull with a 75% ...
It’s just logical,” he says. So rather than size all stalls 4' wide and 8' long, you need to know at what size your cows reach full maturity. For example, if you’re milking Jerseys or Jersey/Holstein ...
The dairy farm has a mixed herd made up of Jersey and Holstein cows which are not given hormones or antibiotics in their milking herd. The Dairy Business Builder grant program aims to encourage ...
And there is a growing niche market for this kind of herd,” Fassett said. Crossbreeding systems with Montbeliarde and Normande genetics on Holstein or Jersey cows has been said to improve fertility, ...
Miniature cows cost $1,800 to $3,500 depending on the size, markings and color. (A good standard Jersey sold as a family milk cow will cost $1,400 to $1,800.) Although small-breed cattle may cost ...
A driver transporting cattle from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo lost more than two dozen of their animals on I-45 North Freeway, leaving lanes closed for hours, Click 2 Houston reported ...
If there are any visitors to Monroe County reading this, I apologize to the locals in advance for some of the depictions ...