Try as I might, entertaining is usually a hustle for me. No matter how much I plan, the final 30 minutes before a dinner party is pure mayhem. I’m usually barefoot, covered in flour, still in ...
From the 3rd to the 7th July 2006, Sydney will be buzzing with Christians worldwide streaming into the Hillsong Conference this year with well known Christians including Pastor Rick Warren coming to ...
The Firebrand Who Was Supposed to Be the Spark For months, political observers had their eyes fixed on Blessed Geza, a war veteran and Zanu-PF central committee member, as the man most likely to ...
A Harare magistrate will on Thursday rule on Alpha Media Holdings senior journalist Blessed Mhlanga’s bail application following his arrest on charges of inciting public violence. Mhlanga was ...
“I condemn in the strongest terms the arrest and detention of Blessed Mhlanga today. Dhara is spending the night in police custody accused of “Transmission of data message inciting violence or ...
Blessed Sacrament School, part of the Erie Catholic School System, will close at the end of the 2024-25 school year due to declining enrollment and financial challenges. Parents expressed ...
HARARE – Unconfirmed reports are circulating that Blessed Geza, the prominent war veteran and Zanu-PF central committee member, is currently hiding at the Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks ...
Over the years, Hillsong has counted plenty of celebrities among its congregants but has also suffered a series of scandals. Here's a look at the megachurch's most controversial moments Jessica ...
Last year it was bras, this time it was female undies piled high at Hillsong auditoriums on Tuesday night. Both were collected by Hillsong’s Sisterhood, aimed at helping girls and women overseas.