The Kenyan education department should establish the root causes of the low performance in maths, and fix them.
AB 1468 will send the signal that California takes ethnic studies as seriously as it takes every other high school class,” writes Assemblymember Dawn Addis in a Guest Commentary.
Amid end-of-year staffing changes, the St. Joseph School District Board of Education has approved the appointments of four ...
As Connecticut faces a critical nursing shortfall, Yale School of Nursing and state leaders seek long-term solutions to sustain the healthcare workforce.
A startup charter school in High Point has obtained city approval to operate its campus. The City Council on Monday approved a special-use permit for Triad International Studies Academy at 622 E.
Spokane Public Schools (SPS) announced plans to establish a new trade school as part of the citywide "Together Spokane" ...
It’s getting close to that time of year when college acceptance letters arrive and high schoolers must decide on the next chapter of their education. Community college is the best option for high ...
The Bill, authored by Representative Emily Gise (R-OKC), would permit high schools to offer the instruction if consent is given by parents.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) yesterday appointed Harry Mathias as the Chief Recovery Officer at ...
There were two huge developments in the literacy world early this year. First, the emergence of a phonics program that could ...
Today, we’re rolling out a new School Partnership Program, starting with a pilot open to all US middle and high schools.
Four candidates are competing for two at-large seats on the Wrightstown school board this April amid division between board ...