Q I am 64 years old and my husband is 69. We intend to make a will and we are wondering what to do about limiting tax ...
Sarah Martin Get them from Bettys Crafting Crew on Etsy for $14.02 (available in three styles). 2. A teensy porcelain hippo ...
The former Big Brother host has been in a relationship with Michael Douglas since 2019 - but has now ruled out taking one ...
Dear Annie: I am a feminist to the core and a lawyer. Forty years ago, I got tired of getting mad at my husband for his lack ...
DEAR ANNIE: I am a feminist to the core and a lawyer. Forty years ago, I got tired of getting mad at my husband for his lack ...
Dear Makes Me Happy: Your letter is a great example of how managing expectations can foster a happier relationship. If you ...
That year I spent a month going up and down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills looking at rings and bought myself one for that ...
Dear Annie: I am a feminist to the core and a lawyer. Forty years ago, I got tired of getting mad at my husband for his lack ...
Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for over 20 years. Recently, he has become increasingly controlling, checking ...
"Recently, he has become increasingly controlling, checking all my movements and whereabouts, even while we are both at home." ...
"When he turned 50 I took him to Hawaii," his wife wrote on social media. "Maybe I'm just being hypersensitive." ...