If complaints are made and an abatement notice is issued, failing to comply can result in fines of up to £5,000 for domestic properties and £20,000 for business premises.
Repurpose wood pallets for an affordable and stunning wall garden. Here is how you can easily DIY this for your home and grow ...
A day care nursery could replace a shop unit on the grounds of a former Romford pub. A planning application has been submitted to Havering Council, seeking permission to change the use of the ...
Hedgehog numbers are significantly down in the UK in recent years, and gardeners are being urged to help by drilling holes in ...
With spring officially upon us and warmer days ahead of us, millions of green fingered Brits will be taking to their gardens to do a spot of gardening. With over 42% of Brits enjoying gardening, it is ...
In the northwest corner of Washington state lies a quirky U.S. exclave so dependent on Canada’s goodwill that the strain of ...
A plan for 50 new homes in a Cornish village is among the latest applications submitted to Cornwall Council. Every week more ...
"Hedgehogs can travel around a mile every night, so they may need help to get into and out of your garden. Try cutting holes ...
The Tulsa Botanic Garden isn’t just a garden; it’s Oklahoma’s answer to Eden, minus the troublesome serpent and with significantly better pathways.
Despite one anonymous objection, tree surgeons chopped down the 'fungus-infested' Norway maple at his £17.5million home in ...
Architects & residents in Chandigarh are angered by the demolition of a wall to expand parking space for the high court, & have accused officials of disregarding Nek Chand’s iconic creation.
Santuario de la Naturaleza Humedal Río Maipo. Image Cortesía de Fundación Cosmos Whether rising to the highest room of the tallest tower in a Disney-esque castle, giving an admirer the chance ...