In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we’re getting up close and ... covers the entire outside of the plant, forming the epidermis, which is coated in a layer of wax called a cuticle.
In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we’ll explore what it takes ... a rockin' guitar lick] Plants are pretty hardcore! Their epidermis, or outermost layer of tissue, produces billions ...
The Wooly Devil, or Ovicula biradiata, was first spotted by botany volunteer Deb Manley and a park ranger in March 2024, according to the park service. The tiny, fuzzy-looking plants with yellow ...
The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis. Sometimes referred to as the horny layer of the skin, the stratum corneum is composed mainly of lipids (fats) and keratin, the protein ...
Floral transition, the onset of plant reproduction, involves changes in shape and identity of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). The change in shape, termed doming, occurs early during floral transition ...
Receptor endocytosis is important for signal activation, transduction, and deactivation. However, how a receptor interprets conflicting signals to adjust cellular output is not clearly understood.