A grassroots movement’s call for Americans not to shop at major chains for 24 hours in an “economic blackout” last week went viral — and now, its organizer is launching a weeklong boycott ...
ECOSOC was established under the United Nations Charter as the principal organ to coordinate economic, social, and related work of the 14 UN specialized agencies, functional commissions and five ...
The European Institute is committed to supporting and respecting the rights of all individuals within our community, regardless of their socioeconomic background. It is our responsibility to create a ...
Ethnic minority graduates from lower socio-economic backgrounds are 45% less likely to be ... to receive a job offer than “like for like” candidates from a professional background, for example. For ...
They then analysed the patients' data related to their social and economic background such as education level, quality of neighbourhood life, or household income. Those who were the least ...