A set of criteria must be met in order for authorities to issue an AMBER Alert and notify the public of an abducted child.
The test alert will be sent to mobile phones through the Wireless Emergency Alerts system Amber Alert region two and to TV and radio stations through the Emergency Alert System.
Lorain County is implementing a new emergency alert system following a series critical failures with its current provider, ...
Greg Abbott signed a bill into law in 2023 that creates the Athena Alert for the state’s emergency alert system ... The most well-known of the alerts, an Amber Alert notifies law enforcement ...
New York State Police are asking for your help when they test the state's Amber Alert system in the Rochester region later ...
Wireless Emergency Alerts, or WEA, are messages sent to your phone from authorized government alerting authorities, according to the National Weather Service. The alerts are sent for extreme weather, ...
While nearly everyone knows what an Amber Alert is, Oklahoma's Kasey Alert is the latest way to inform the public during an emergency situation.
The alert system would be modeled after the Amber and Silver alerts, which notify the public of a missing child, senior or person with disabilities. "These alerts are fantastic, but we leave off a ...