LIKE a real-life Rapunzel, I have had long blonde hair my whole life. In fact, it’s the first thing people tend to notice ...
One of the tell-tale signs of chlorine damage is a green hue on blonde hair, you may even notice dryness or a waxy feel, making it hard to run a brush through your locks. However, don't fret!
Her most recent spontaneous decision was to dye her hair blonde, and while I thought she was going to achieve her honey blond at the salon, she decided to take matters into her own hands (literally).
If your hair is naturally blonde, color-treated blonde or gray ... but they are also the most prone to damage, according to the brand.) With this formula, you’ll not only preserve your desired ...
From Bleach to L'oreal, these are the very best purple shampoos to neutralise brassy tones and keep blonde hair looking cool and ashy.