Compared to last week’s sale, Choice Slaughter Steers and Heifers traded mostly 2.00 higher while Select Steers and Heifers traded 6.00 lower. Lean Dairy Cows traded mostly 2.50 lower. Holstein Bull ...
The Alberta government has suspended a loan program at Picture Butte Feeder Cooperative, the province’s largest cattle financing co-op, after an inspection alleged a number of financial mismanagement ...
At the ranch west of Bowdle, SD Auctioneers: Seth Weishaar Averages:  16 reg. Fall Charolais Bulls – $5,375 48 reg. Yearling ...
Randy Koenen of Red River Farm Network and Randy Martinson of Martinson Ag Risk Management discuss what's going on in the ...
Scott Varilek, Kooima Kooima Varilek, says cattle are awaiting cash direction with producers and feedlots holding out for ...
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine ...
Expanding the cattle herd means facing drought and weather conditions, shifting land use and feedstock and regulations, Ken ...
In recent weeks there has been a lot of stakeholder interest in feeder steer price correlations and how price trends vary ...
A new case of bird flu was reported in Maryland — the seventh known case but the first in central Maryland. The most recent ...
Uncertainty around U.S. tariffs on Canadian and Mexican products led to a week of volatility on the western Canadian cash ...
DuWayne Bosse, Bolt Marketing, says grain markets rebounded Thursday on technical buying after holding and bouncing off support areas. Strong export demand was also positive.
The U.S. and Canada appeared to be dialing back tariff threats Tuesday night after discussions between the two countries. One of the bigger industries watching what is happening is the beef industry.