Major Star Wars Cameos In Rebels Season 1 Episode Number and Name R2-D2 Episode 3 - "Droids In Distress" C-3PO Star Wars ...
A STAR Wars burlesque parody is coming — and appears to be from a ­galaxy far, far wha-hey. The Empire Strips Back has a busty C-3PO gyrating on stage, plus naughty Stormtrooper routines and ...
There are few film franchises quite as popular as the Star Wars movies, as generations grew up on George Lucas' colorful galaxy. That IP continues to grow thanks to upcoming Star ...
C-3PO and R2-D2 meet for the first time ... Fugitive Jedi Kanan Jarrus takes him on as his Padawan. (Star Wars Rebels) 4 BBY - Rebel informant Fulcrum revealed to be Ahsoka Tano.
But despite his success, (last year, a C-3PO head from Daniels’ private collection ... The first film he starred in, Star Wars (later retitled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope), was released ...