A woman’s nail-picking habit landed her in the ER. Her experience inspired a PSA video that racked up over 3.5 million likes. In the viral video with over 42.7 million views, TikToker Bre ...
Scientists found an elusive 2-foot-long predator with a “dangerous” bite and discovered a new species in Laos, a study said. Photo from P. Brakels via Grassby-Lewis, Brakels, Maury, Sitthivong ...
Fear of cotton balls is also known as sidonglobophobia. Another term for the condition is bambakophobia, from the Greek bambaki, which means "cotton," and phobos, which means deep dread or fear. In ...
A man from Orange County faces federal charges for allegedly biting the finger of an immigration officer who arrested him in downtown Los Angeles. It happened around 9:50 a.m. Tuesday at the ...
Tech giants are investing hundreds of billions of dollars in AI, promising it will transform the workplace. However, a new survey suggests that most American workers aren't yet using it. While ...
Languages: English and Italian. After having surgery on his tail, a dog named Enzo kept biting and licking it, slowing down the healing process. So his owner came up with an idea to keep him away ...
Urban growth has paved over many cotton fields, pushing them out of Maricopa County to other parts of Arizona. In Arizona, cotton yields are five times higher than a century ago as farmers learn ...
The folklore seasons, that’s what we will call them. The years that are recalled with ease, the points when superstars elevated themselves to realms that didn’t seem plausible. Plenty are ...
The car signal jammers work by scrambling the radio signal from remote keys, meaning thieves can get into the car without needing to unlock it. Anyone found with one could face five years behind ...
A jail sentence has been handed down to a man who bit off part of his girlfriend’s bottom lip in Didcot. David Neasham, known as Davey, spat out his girlfriend’s lip after the incident which ...
Nail-biting new footage has captured the moment the doomed Delta Airlines flight into Toronto turned upside down and skidded across the runway. Delta flight 4819 crash landed at the Canadian ...