Among the migratory birds navigating their annual trek out of the south are several species of hummingbirds, some of which cross through Oklahoma.
Experts say that there is one food source that gardeners should be offering to birds in their gardens in spring time ...
Dozens of bird eggs and chicks were rescued from nests in a single wind-damaged eucalyptus tree that was dangerously close to ...
And much like Thin Lizzy's popular 1976 rock song, Audubon Florida hopes beachgoers will help nesting coastal birds have a ...
Barn swallows are migrating back to Central Texas, and while they provide an ecological service by eating insects, their mud ...
Members of the public can now tune in again this year to ‘Nestflix’, two new livestreams which show pairs of Chough as they ...
Pigeons and other predators can be a major nuisance for those trying to maintain a bird feeder - here's how you can keep them away.
A pair of bald eagles is nesting along Lake Ontario in Irondequoit and delighting residents, but conservationists worry ...
"The oldest layer is as old as me — all my life, a bird was nesting here," said Auke-Florian Hiemstra, a biologist at the ...
Dog owners have been warned to keep their pets under control as ground-nesting season starts for a rare bird. Cumbria ...
Like clockwork, hundreds of nesting herons, ibis and egrets are back at Cypress wetlands. A boardwalk provides front-row ...
Singing frogs are looking for love. Sweet sap is flowing from the maple trees. Striking migratory birds are returning to ...