Stories of how the data was collected were fascinating. Some people camped on islands for weeks. Some scaled cliffs or jumped ...
Playgrounds can host a variety of natural wonders – and, of course, kids! Now some students are not just learning about ...
Scientists discovered a 15-million-year-old fish fossil, Ferruaspis brocksi. It has preserved stomach contents and visible ...
Discovered in the McGraths Flat fossil site in New South Wales, Australia, the new fossil is a freshwater smelt belonging to the order Osmerifiromes, the first of its kind to be found in Australia.
Australia's environment improved slightly in 2024, marking the fourth consecutive year of above-average conditions, but major ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through a remote Australian rainforest say they may have found a clue to the mystery of ...
The influencer might be defined as a modern, junked cretin of arrested moral and ethical capacity – with specific skills. Such an individual, for ...
Discovered in Australia, the fossils represent a new species that lived during the Miocene epoch and highlight how iron-rich ...
MURDOCH, AUSTRALIA —An international team of scientists from Australia and China announced the first chromosome-scale genome of a wild barley species, describing the breakthrough as a significant ...
The woman who sparked international outrage when she took a baby wombat from its mother is finally admitting she goofed. Sam Jones said, "What I did was an incredible mistake and there hasn't been a ...
The night parrot, once presumed extinct and later rediscovered, has had its largest known population discovered on Indigenous ...
An elusive long-nosed potoroo was caught on camera, giving conservationists a picture-perfect moment of progress.