Opioids are commonly prescribed to manage pain, but their effects on movement and coordination can pose serious risks, particularly for older adults. One major concern is their impact on gait. Changes ...
You’ve probably been putting one foot in front of the other without a second thought, but chances are you’re walking wrong.
Professor Karlo Malaga leads research focusing on pinpointing specific areas in the subthalamic region where deep brain ...
Research shows that analyzing walking patterns can detect early signs of neurological disorders, orthopedic issues, and even ...
The limited correlation between radiological data and FGA data underscores the importance of FGA as a supplementary diagnostic tool. Fully instrumented gait analysis (FGA) can provide valuable ...
When selecting shoes to test, I asked a board-certified podiatrist, orthopedic surgeon and certified trainer for their expert opinions. I focused on brands known to be leaders in the walking ...
General price ranges with dollar signs ($ to $$$) are indicated below. Note that shoe prices on Amazon vary significantly depending on your preferred color and size. Generally, prices range from $ ...
Background: Freezing of gait (FOG) in Parkinson's disease (PD) is a devastating clinical phenomenon that has a detrimental impact on patients. It tends to be triggered more often during turning ...
The nanogenerator designed by the team can sensitively capture abnormal gaits of teenagers, which can advance research in this field.
Introduction: The wearable cyborg Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is a therapeutic exoskeletal device that provides voluntary gait assistance using kinematic/kinetic gait data and bioelectrical signals.
Abstract: Human gait parameters reflect physical and psychological health. Gait impairments hinder daily activities and mobility, particularly in those with neurological or musculoskeletal disorders.