MELLET: Prime Minister, let's turn back to WA, where we're having our election in March. So, that's not ideal timing for a Federal election as well. Recently, our WA Electoral Commissioner said it ...
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined Federal Member for Pearce Tracey Roberts and Mayor of Wanneroo Linda Aitken to officially turn the sod to mark the start of works today.
That doesn't just issue press releases, that actually builds infrastructure, that makes decisions in the national interest. This has been through an assessment process. It was recommended by the ...
The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia’s future, today providing First Port of Entry to three critical ports in Western Australia’s north, along with a major package to boost housing and ...
JOURNALIST: (Inaudible). Water supply has been trucked in. And the Northern Territory, I'm told, has withdrawn $400,000 in funding for the local school. Sounds like there is a lot of need here, is ...
The Albanese Labor Government is boosting Queensland’s housing supply by investing $101.8 million in critical infrastructure that will unlock more than 4,800 more homes across the state. Ten projects ...
The Albanese Government is helping Queensland’s regions to thrive by investing $159 million in community infrastructure that will help improve the lives of locals.
The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia’s future today, announcing over $50 million to boost housing and deliver community infrastructure projects in the electorate of Kennedy. Over $30 ...
And we know in this area, a project which has been championed by Bob Katter as the Member for Kennedy, is, of course, making sure that all the renewable energy projects can be connected to the grid ...
The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia’s future today, announcing $50 million to boost housing and deliver community infrastructure projects in Cairns and Far North Queensland. Almost $25 ...
The Albanese Government will provide an additional $7.2 billion to upgrade and fix the Bruce Highway in Queensland, to bring it up to a minimum three-star safety rating.
You can't drive on a press release. What you need to do is to drive on a new road. That's what these workers behind us are building. JOURNALIST: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned. Analysts ...