We have offices in over 90 countries around the world, providing assistance and protection to people affected by conflict.
Neutral, independent and impartial humanitarian action in armed conflict is a fundamental part of our identity. When we act ...
The ICRC responds quickly and efficiently to help people affected by armed conflict. Despite the decline in the number of clashes in the past year, humanitarian consequences such as displacement, ...
我们今天的职责是履行一项重要的人道义务,使家属能够有尊严地进行哀悼。他们理应能够以体面的葬礼悼念、缅怀逝去的亲人。 出于对逝者及哀悼者最大的尊重,这些行动应以非公开方式进行。
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 为此,红十字国际委员会努力应对失散人员和失踪人员家属的保护需求,并探视拘留场所以改善条件且确保被剥夺 ...
The Protection Field Officer supports the implementation and monitoring of ICRC’s Protection activities within the assigned Area of Responsibility (AoR) under the Butuan Sub-delegation. *Applications ...
Многие вернулись на север, где службы жизнеобеспечения едва работают. Остро не хватает ...
Jerusalem (ICRC) - Today the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) brought back the remains of those who should ...
Нейтральная, беспристрастная и независимая организация. Узнайте о наших ценностях, целях и задачах.